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Tropical Ecosystems



  • Tropical coasts are found in between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn (23°26ʹ N and S, respectively) and accounts for roughly 36% of Earth’s landmass. This area is typically comprised of sandy beaches and crystal clear blue water, making it an ideal vacation spot. (National Geographic)

  • Although these waters are not as nutrient rich as temperate waters, they are home to some of the most biodiverse ecosystems.


Issue: Light Pollution

  • Sea turtles utilize quiet and dark sandy beaches as a nesting site for their eggs. However, with an increase in human activity in these areas finding a prime nesting spot has become increasingly difficult and thus results in sea turtles utilizing noisy and well lit beaches to nest. (Sea Turtle Conservancy)

  • Once it comes time to hatching baby sea turtles become disoriented and head inland, ultimately leading to their demise by either dehydration or predation.

    • The cycle of night and day plays a crucial role in facilitating events in ecosystems, such as hunting and reproduction. Many predators use the cover of night as opportune hunting time and prey utilize this cue as a signal to hide. (Longcore and Rich, 2004)

      • With an increase in coastal and maritime light pollution it could limit the opportunities for predators to grab a meal. Additionally, the interruption of the normal night and day cycle is forcing the organisms to alter their strategies, disrupting the natural flow of the ecosystem.

    • Light pollution may also come from boat charters catering to tourists who seek opportunities to observe nocturnal wildlife - these companies typically frequent the same locations and consistently bring artificial sources of light to attract animals, conditioning them to travel to these areas habitually, disrupting natural processes.  (Alert Diver)



  • Use Turtle Safe Lighting when visiting beaches at night that are known to be popular nesting spots.

  • Inform your friends and family about light pollution and ways they can reduce their impact such as switching out higher watt bulbs for more energy efficient ones, or turning off any lights that are not being used.

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